- 6 bays for auto work
- One overhead vehicle entry door (south side), one vehicle exit door (west side) similar to an auto dealer setup.
- Overhead doors should be oversized (10' x 10' min.)
- Shop shall have higher volume - 18'-0" min. clear to bottom of joists above.
- All lifts shall be above ground
- Raised platform shall be located along north wall for additional tool storage and work areas.
- A hoist beam shall be provided along roof structure over the platform to allow heavy items to be hauled onto platform.
- A trench drainage will be provided in the middle of the floor.
- Machining area will be located adjacent to the office in the shop.
- Windows will be provided for daylighting up high on the exterior walls.
- Movable check-in station will be provided adjacent to the vehicular entry door.
- Front-end machine shall be located in open area adjacent to the office.
- Cabinets for filters and other materials will be located along the north and south walls of the shop
- Desk area with counter and storage will be provided in the southeast corner.
- 2 eyewash stations/emergency showers will be provided adjacent to the desk area
- Overhead exhaust tubing will be supplied to each bay.
- Overhead oil and compressed air will be provided to all of the bays.
- Floor shall be an epoxy finish on concrete (sim. to a car dealership)
- Foot pedal sinks shall be located on both sides of the shop near the repair bays.
- Key drop box from exterior adjacent to vehicular overhead door entry.
- Office will be located adjacent to classroom and shop.
- Windows will be provided to allow vision into all of the surrounding rooms.
- Direct access to the corridor will be provided from the office
- Two desks shall be provided in the office
- Set up for 28 students
- (40) 1/2 size lockers shall be placed along one wall of the classroom.
- Double door from classroom to shop will have a removable mullion
- Air compressor for the shop will be located in the storage room.
Fluids Room:
- 55 gallon drums of oil and antifreeze will be located here.
- Direct access to the outside is required for drop off of barrels.
- Overhead lines from the shop will connect to the barrels in this room.
- Check out counter open to the Vestibule will be provided from the secure tool room.